About the exhibition
A contribution to the group exhibition »ZERTEILT«.
Tübingen, a rich city where people vote green, inherit wealth and have a high income, where there is hardly any industry, where you are cut off from the world between the hills of the university and the elitist old town.
Here, the social class issue is avoided by focusing on ecological topics such as recycling. The art project provocatively addresses this gap by throwing the symbolism of the last German court elite prior 1848 onto the junkyard, recycling it and telling a story of a future that has already existed and where no one knows exactly whether it is supposed to be a utopia or a dystopia.
- Photography: Ken Werner
- Concept idea: Rosalba Salomon, Emil Gutheil
- Makeup: Marie-Luisa Nierade
- Models: Jennifer Kornprobst , Emma Schoepe, Jonas Hellenkemper, Sophie Auami, Emil Gutheil, Rosalba Salomon
Date & Location
- Shedhalle Tübingen, Schlachthausstr. 13
- vernissage »ZERTEILT«: September 6th 2024, 7 pm
- The exhibition runs until Octber 6 and is open for vistors from:
- Thu - Sun, 4 pm - 8 pm